My blogging activities became derailed over the last few months because I was a bit too busy with other things. I’m now ready to get back to regular blogging. My initial purpose in starting this blog was to have a platform for long scientific rants, and that was indeed the style of my initial posts. However, long posts are (1) time-consuming to write, (2) time-consuming to read, and (3) cause posting to become less frequent. This is a lose-lose-lose, and it contributed to the hiatus in posting. Micro-blogging (a.k.a. Twitter) has become more popular than traditional blogging for these reasons. From now on, I’ll try to make most of my posts shorter and more digestible, which will lower the barrier for me to complete and publish them.

In line with this new blogging style, I will refrain from talking about what I’ve been up to lately in this post, and instead explain it over several posts spread out over the next few days.